Usability & UX
I worked with a four-person team to perform usability testing on a children’s juice company, The website sells juice concentrate for childcare centers. My team conducted five observational studies, including a think-aloud protocol (TAP) and a card sort, as well as four expert evaluations. My team created a report to highlight the areas of success and areas of improvement within the site.
Our team started with a research plan, as we had a strict four-week timeline. Our research plan can be found here. In it we outlined research objectives, recruitment guidelines and our methodologies.
Our team then created testing protocol for the TAP and card sort (found here) and conducted our five observational studies.
We were also required to provide a progress report for our research which can be found here.
The team analyzed the data provided through testing and used that to make recommendations to improve the website. The analysis can be found here.
The goal of this report was to determine the participant's satisfaction with the product (the Penny Juice website) by collecting qualitative and quantitative data. Our team wanted to provide a report that would highlight successes and pain points within the website.
The findings of the report suggest that users appreciate the simplicity of a few pages but would welcome a slightly altered color scheme. Overall, the users were disappointed with the Penny Juice website and its visual design, navigational design, information availability, and overall quality.
The screenshot to the right shows the first page of the report. The full final report can be found here.
Software Used
Optimal Sort
MS Excel
MS Teams